Doom Emacs -- introduction and first impression

by Christoph on at DFNconf
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tl;dr: Doom Emacs is an opinionated Emacs distribution/framework designed to be fast, close to vanilla, and strives to follow the Nix/Guix philosophy.
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I recently switched from Spacemacs to an Emacs distribution that is closer to vanilla, but still offers a lot of abstraction making it easier to use and configure: Doom Emacs. I will talk about my first impressions after the switch, explain what makes Doom great and how it works.

Why an Emacs distribution?

coming from vim, I wanted certain things like evil-mode out of the box

the Emacs ecosystem has

therefore, an opinionated collection cannot hurt!

major evilified distributions to choose from:

Why I went the Spacemacs way first

Spacemacs has the larger community

Doom is basically just a one-man show

It is also “more complete”

A lot more packages bundled as so-called layers

Doom advertises itself as being closer to metal

… and I wanted as little fuss as possible

What went wrong?

Complicated processes for customization

Complicated config file

I often stumbled over customize-variable

Rolling release often broke my Emacs

Spacemacs is slow.

Why Doom makes Emacs great again

Enter Doom Emacs

What is Doom’s philosophy?

Gotta go fast

Close to metal

Opinionated, but not stubborn

Your system, your rules

Nix/Guix is a great idea!


First impression (after a few weeks)

I’m never going back

Minor quirks/issues