Doom Emacs -- introduction and first impression

by Christoph

I recently switched from Spacemacs to an Emacs distribution that is closer to vanilla, but still offers a lot of abstraction making it easier to use and configure: Doom Emacs. I will talk about my first impressions after the switch, explain what makes Doom great and how it works.

Why an Emacs distribution?

coming from vim, I wanted certain things like evil-mode out of the box

the Emacs ecosystem has

  • a huge list of packages
  • multiple packages for almost any task, e.g.
    • helm vs ivy vs ido (completion frameworks)
    • package managers: use-package, straight, el-get, borg, …

therefore, an opinionated collection cannot hurt!

major evilified distributions to choose from:

  • Spacemacs
  • Doom Emacs

Why I went the Spacemacs way first

Spacemacs has the larger community

Doom is basically just a one-man show

It is also “more complete”

A lot more packages bundled as so-called layers

Doom advertises itself as being closer to metal

… and I wanted as little fuss as possible

What went wrong?

Complicated processes for customization

  • A feature is not already in Spacemacs?
  • “The best way would be to create your own layer!” is what I read often
  • Creating layers is way too much overhead

Complicated config file

  • the default Spacemacs config is already 500 lines
  • spread over multiple functions, user-config, user-init, user-load
  • variables of packages in layers are configured in another function
  • hard to keep the file coherent

I often stumbled over customize-variable

  • Spacemacs saves the customized stuff in the .spacemacs file
  • It often happened to me that things appeared there that I didn’t want

Rolling release often broke my Emacs

Spacemacs is slow.

  • Feature-completeness also means a lot is loaded by default
  • The startup time is not really optimized
  • It often feels sluggish and it’s hard to poinpoint the problem without going too deep into Emacs debugging

Why Doom makes Emacs great again

Enter Doom Emacs

  • A configuration framework for Emacs
  • conceived and maintained by Henrik Lissner
  • runs its own package management system on top of straight
  • comes with a standard library to simplify configuration

What is Doom’s philosophy?

  • “Gotta go fast.”
  • “Close to metal.”
  • “Opinionated, but not stubborn.”
  • “Your system, your rules.”
  • “Nix/Guix is a great idea!”

Gotta go fast

  • Doom is blazingly fast
  • the startup time can compete with vim
  • but how?
    • avoids gc at startup
    • specialized mechanism to concatenate autoloads
    • lazy load package management
    • lazy load stuff when Emacs is idle
    • some more technical stuff

Close to metal

  • much less abstraction in the config files
  • well-documented set of additional functions (see demo later)

Opinionated, but not stubborn

  • it’s actually easy to override defaults, just like in vanilla
  • customize system is turned off!
  • builtin mechanism to trigger initializing code with a variant of setq

Your system, your rules

  • Spacemacs sometimes compiles system dependencies
  • Doom is designed not to, and to force plugins not to either
  • doom doctor will tell you what’s missing

Nix/Guix is a great idea!

  • Doom comes with a binary (actually a shell script running an Emacs lisp program), doom
  • doom sync is comparable to nixos-rebuild switch for those familiar with nix
  • reads the config files
  • downloads all the packages, which are pinned (no rolling release!)
  • generates the actual Emacs configuration


First impression (after a few weeks)

I’m never going back

  • Doom strikes the perfect balance for me
  • Arguably better defaults than Spacemacs
  • “module” set (pre-configured packages) not as large as Spacemacs, but sufficient

Minor quirks/issues

  • A few keybindings are not very “spacemacy” (but that’s easy to fix!)
  • The main support channel is via Discord, which might put off some people
  • Don’t expect bugs to be fixed quickly, or documentation to be complete