Haskell Development in Emacs

by Merlin


  • basic haskell integration
  • only static integration
  • knows basic library functions


  • makes use of running ghci session
  • gets all signatures from ghci
  • parses ghci output


  • adapter for running ghci in nix-shell
  • needs annoying reload ritual when dependencies change


  • stale since 2015
  • can run ghci session inside of tmux


  • officially dead
  • needs ghc-mod executable
  • had hole-based programming before ghci
  • had case splitting
  • was used and then replaced by hie


  • running ghci session
  • filesystem watcher to auto reload
  • can specify ghci commands to run after successfull reload
  • can evaluate expressions in comments


  • officially dead
  • very easy setup
  • utilized flycheck for linting
  • integrated with eldoc
  • had issues with nix
  • limited to stack projects


  • fork of intero
  • not limited to stack
  • frontend for ghci
  • has nix support
  • couldn’t get it to work
  • eval code in comments


  • stale since 2017
  • refactoring tool
  • doesn’t work with ghc 8


  • stale since 2018
  • could not get it to work with current haskell mode
  • paredit-style strutured editing
  • case splitting for simple sum types
  • Features


haskell-ide-engine - hie

  • official haskell LSP server
  • has been around before LSP was a thing
  • dev effort moved to haskell-language-server
  • continued monthly releases


  • develloped by digital asset
  • used in emacs as hie replacement

haskell-language-server - hls

  • merger of hie and ghcide
  • currently not as feature complete as hie
  • advertises more features than ghcide
  • although some I didn’t get to work